Introducing: DaibyDai’s Hydrating Buttercream


It’s with so much excitement that I get to share with you all my first hair product launch! It’s always been a dream of mine to create my own hair product and to help others reach their healthy hair goals. It was an idea I’ve had in my head for quite some time but never knew where or how to start. But without action, a dream just stays an idea. In the new year and new decade, I felt inspired and compelled to use my gifts and passion to create! My motto is to take things step by step and day by day after all.

After documenting my natural hair journey for the past 5 years, I’ve tried all sorts of moisturizing products and methods. I’m always in search of THE product that would do the job. But even with consistent hair habits and doing tons of research based on my hair porosity and type, I would find I had to thoroughly apply tons of creams to my hair every single day to ensure my hair didn’t feel dry, tangled, and hard. It was like pouring an endless amount of product to my hair in the morning and by night my hair strands were an empty well. 5 years and a collection of hair products under my sink later, I started to handpick key ingredients based on my frustrations finding the perfect product for my course 4c hair.

I started with shea butter as the base ingredient for this product because it has always been a winner in my heart for all things related to hair. Shea butter is an amazing ingredient that is quickly absorbed by hair strands and protects against dryness and brittleness. It’s creamy and smooth but not too thick that it clogs pores. I was focusing on a moisturizer that endures the test of time and daily activities, so with this in mind, another key ingredient is Sweet Almond Oil. Almond oil gives this mixture a beautiful balance of intense moisture without weighing down your hair. Almond oil is a light oil that helps to soothe and moisturize the scalp. For one of the most common frustrations of length retention I looked towards another staple in my hair routine, Jamaican Black Castor Oil and a new favorite Rosemary Essential Oil. In addition to this ultra hydrating ingredients, a carefully cultivated mix of essential oils were included to stimulate circulation within the scalp and for a wonderful smell as well!

Together, the ingredients selected turned into the ultimate product to moisturize natural hair and DaibyDai’s Hydrating Buttercream was born. I’m looking forward to my journey crafting hair products for you all and look forward to hearing from you all what you thought of this product!

If you have ever
– Been frustrated at how your hair doesn’t seem to stay moisturized no matter how consistent or faithful you are moisturizing your hair
– Been overwhelmed trying to find a product that works for you
– Dealt with split ends or those pesky fair knots
– Struggled with length retention

Then this product is for you!